
How to increase engagement with LinkedIn Audience

For companies in B2B space LinkedIn is most likely an integral part of your marketing efforts. And of course, it is. This is where your audience is: prospects, current customers, employees and your industry’s community. LinkedIn is a great social media marketing platform for growing and increasing your brand – both your personal & organizational brand. A key way to increase your brand’s visibility is by improving and increasing your audience engagement.

If you don’t know how to maximize the impact of your activity and outreach, you may not see the level of LinkedIn engagement you want.

Let’s breakdown the 3 major sections of your LinkedIn network to find ways to improve these areas, and help address your LinkedIn profile then drive traffic to your page and boosts your LinkedIn engagement.


  • Your Profile

  • Your Content

  • Your Connections

1. How to increase engagement

1.  Your Profile

Make the use of your personal profile

While the professional presence of your company page is growing, personal profile still dominates the platform. These get more views and encourage higher engagement, as you’re able to send connection requests or personal messages. Also, people prefer to engage with and follow actual people, rather than companies. Which means you should be posting from your personal profile for maximum engagement.

  • Optimize your business page: –

Optimize your business page on LinkedIn by aligning your content with your customer profile and segmentation. The updates you make to imagery, content, buttons and links will provide various ways for your followers to better engage with your brand on LinkedIn, set a foundation for implementing a follower campaign and encourage followers to recommend the business.

  • Show Your Face: –

It’s great to see pictures of products and read testimonials, but also use yourself as a branding tool. I find that there’s a higher engagement rate whenever I show my face via selfie or video. Now, more than ever, connection and engagement are key. Have fun! Don’t forget a call to action. Show your authentic passion for your brand, and the rest will follow.

2.  Your Content

Craft Compelling Content: –

Unlike other channels, text-only posts generate more likes, comments, and shares on LinkedIn. This is because LinkedIn prefers content that keeps people within the platform. Thus, posting with mostly text and eye-catching emojis expands your reach and improves your engagement.

However, you must have compelling content for people to stop and read your post. Use headlines that are catchy, get straight to the point, and end with a powerful call-to-action. More importantly, add links or provide your contact information should people want to know more.

Write and post consistently: –

Be consistent with posting and writing articles. In order to engage followers on any platform, you must have a solid presence and post regularly. Your posts should share the work you do and serve as information for your followers. In addition to sharing your own work, show your knowledge and expertise by engaging with others and commenting thoughtfully on their posts.

Adding link & posting videos: –

According to LinkedIn, adding a link to your post doubles the engagement. Posting videos from YouTube increases the share rate by up to 75 percent. Also, keep in mind to engage with the users that are commenting. And also promote the posts that have important updates to reach connections outside your network.

3.  Your Connections

Participate in LinkedIn Group: –

One of the most effective methods for increasing engagement on LinkedIn is to participate in LinkedIn groups and showcase yourself as a subject matter expert. LinkedIn groups provides a better opportunity to connect with people who share common interests or backgrounds. Find groups comprised of your target audience, show up, network and add value. Comment on other people’s posts and share valuable content for increasing engagement with audience In LinkedIn.

Build Relationships Beyond Likes: –

Develop relationships with your followers beyond the likes and comments. Email them and chat with them offline. When people see you take an interest in them beyond their like or comment, they feel personally attached to you. They will then share your content with others, and you will naturally broaden your reach.

Ask Questions in your Post: –

People are more likely to engage if they can answer a question in a way, they can establish a communication with your brand. Another strategy is to set up a “pod” on LinkedIn. Invite people who are your target customers, but with different products or services. Ask for feedback and respond to those who comment back. Seek people’s idea and be open to have a conversation with them. Always offer thought provoking topics that could encourage people to connect with you.

2. Build a content bank & schedule posts in AppuSocial to increase LinkedIn presence

When we cannot emphasize the amount of hard work it takes to create riveting content, keeping a cache of content on hand is imperative. With Appu Social you can create content ahead of time with an auto posting feature to improve consistency.

Know more about How to develop a social media accounts workflow for your brand to increase engagement.


Put together with AppuSocial a plan of when you are going to post and how you are going to post. Then start building a content bank around it, thus ensuring that you have content ready to go out at the right time with auto postings you don’t need an alarm to post on time through all the social media networks.


AppuSocial is a social media management tool that not just makes the scheduling of your post easy but also helps you with the social media engagement strategy. AppuSocial is one such tool that centralizes all your publishing efforts by offering multi network publishing and scheduling in just a single click.

It’s configurable workflows and user-friendly features enable hassle-free content planning , scheduling and publishing among your social media networks. AppuSocial also contains media library that maintains a bank of all your brand images, GIFs and videos. Sharing your brand content assets on time regularly with your target audience is also achievable for increasing engagement.

3. Summing Up

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful professional tools. You can build and maintain your network with it. Following these tips will help in boosting your engagement on LinkedIn. Optimize your page for search results. Be consistent with the posts and keep a track of your success after implementing these tips.

