
Best Time to Post on Instagram

Instagram is one of the best social media engagement platforms you have ever seen. One way to generate more engagement on Instagram is by posting the right content at right time, targeting the right time when people are looking at their Instagram accounts but which doesn’t coincide with the time when most people upload their Instagram content.

Is there a best time to post on Instagram available? I know Some of you might be wondering “how to find the best time to post on Instagram”? so, that’s why here is a detailed guide on why it is important and what is the best time to post on Instagram. Have a look!

Taking good care of the time you post on social media means you care about your brand’s organic growth.

When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

There’s no one single best time to post. While deciding a single best time to post on Instagram is tricky as the best time to post can change every day. Most of the studies have come up with a series of good posting times. Here are some posting time suggestions you can implement in your social media strategy.

On average, the best time to post on Instagram is Tuesday between 11 AM – 2 PM.
Best time to post on Weekdays – Weekdays between 11 AM to 2 PM is the optimal time frame for increased engagement. By posting earlier in the day, accounts benefit from less competition.

What time of day is best to post on Instagram?

Here are some posting time suggestions you can implement in your social media strategy.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

(11 AM - 12 PM) – Consider that most of your followers are taking a break at this time and are more likely to scroll through the social media to catch up on the latest trends from their friends, influencers and also from their favourite brand. During this period share content to engage with and share.


(11 AM – 2 PM) – Same as above daily breaks are common around this time hours. However, the longer time frame can be a fitting opportunity to share long frame content like IGTV videos or even go live on Instagram.


11 AM – For this shorter time break on Thursday, try posting Instagram stories with engagement boosters like polls, questions, and quizzes to get quick responses that users will come back to read later on.

Best time to post on weekends

Saturday & Sunday

(8 AM – 2 PM) – Compared to the rest of the weekdays weekends are not effective to generate enough social media engagement rates with the help of creative postings. As more of your followers are in weekend holiday vibes and internet uses also less in number. But in the meanwhile, if you are willing to post on holidays between (8 AM – 2 PM) you will generate some engagement.

Frequency of Posting on Instagram

You need to post regularly if you want your Instagram account to appear fresh. This can be as much as one to three posts per day. Share a mix of different post types, making sure that you don’t come across as too interested in just making sales. You need to focus on producing quality posts ahead of bulk quantity, however. Once you have a clear understanding of your best times of day to post on Instagram, you can schedule your posts at those times to avoid delays in time and maintain consistency across social media platforms.

Pro Tip :

Post to Instagram between 11 AM – 1 PM & 7 PM – 9 PM from Monday to Friday. You'll get the most consistent engagement that way because your content will have time to pick up views and shares leading into the peak engagement hours around 11 AM.

How to find the best time to post on Instagram with AppuSocial

AppuSocial – Social media management tool, we concluded these postings time as above by analyzing our user behavior on our social media analytics tool. By analyzing & tracking your social media performance you can now find personalized recommendations on when to post on Instagram to maximize your reach for the week.

AppuSocial analysis studies your data and tells you when and how often to post to maximize your results. For your social media profiles, your best time to post is predicted using your followers’ activity and your previous posts.

Identify optimal posting times, your most engaged followers as well as your top-performing posts to create even more compelling content, and then start preparing a social media calendar and schedule those posts at the right time for maximum engagement with AppuSocial today!

Why it is important to find the right time to post on Instagram?

Posting at the right time is important for every network. But on Instagram, it is even more important to post at the right or best time because of the way their algorithm & feed function.

On Instagram, the amount of engagement (likes, comments, clicks, etc.) your post gets as soon as it is published is extremely important. This is because Instagram shows it to a percentage of your active followers at the beginning and it will then use the interactions, they generate to determine how many more people should see it.

So, if a larger percentage of the followers engage with it initially, then more people will see it.

This is why publishing your post at right time can make a huge difference. If you publish at a time when more people are active on the internet and are ready to engage with your posts, you will generate more engagement. This initial engagement will keep spark up the following for your creativity as follows: –

  • The engagement towards your posts is increased

  • The high click-through rates may convert to conversions

  • Your updates are seen and many people are aware of what you’ve been up to

  • You can easily reach potential customers

Boost Instagram engagement with AppuSocial

The best time to post on Instagram or any network can seem like a trivial factor, but as you can see from this post it can make a huge difference in how much engagement you generate. So, start by using the best times listed in this article. Use this helpful guide to plan your social media calendar for next quarter and watch your engagement rate soar. Schedule your Instagram posts to publish at peak times automatically with AppuSocial, for free! No early morning logins are required! Schedule your posts and rest and remain tension free. AppuSocial – social media scheduling tool is available for all users. Sign Up now to schedule posts on Instagram for maximum engagement.

